Visual design has been my core skill. I started drawing at a young age and honing that talent lead me many creative work. Cartooning, education materials, posters and many more. Technology become my number one tool when I was introduced to the Macintosh computer in 1987. It gave a new creative avenue for me to express the visual arts. Then came interactive content and multimedia in 1995 which lead me to do creative design and code at the same time.

Today I have mastered several technologies to create art and interactivity through various mediums and latest one is the world wide web. Below is the summary of what I came to know and mastered by heart. After these are the tools I use to design, create and code for my clients.

Creative Work

Art Direction Visual Art Sketching Cartooning Painting 3D Modeling Photography

Web Design

HTML5 CSS3 Javascript JQuery Bootstrap WordPress WPThemes

Application Development

PHP Laravel PWA ReactJS React Native Flutter MySQL MongoDB IndexDB

Application & Systems Design

UX/UI Design Frontend Development Cloud Applications Architecture Backend/API Development Content Management E-Learning Systems

Digital Graphic Design

Graphic Illustration Collateral Identity Publication Digital Marketing Social Media Visualization Infographic Iconography