Shell Magallanes Website

I also design WordPress website using my own themes or creating a custom theme for clients. Shell Magallanes, a petrol station in Makati, is one of the custom made WordPress themes I designed.

Shell Magallanes Website is a WordPress designed website with a custom made theme. Using WordPress Blocks and the Gutenberg editor, the website is crafted to showcase the company’s products and services.

The website is composed of various WordPress and custom made plugins and blocks that laid out the various content of the site. Animated scripts also provided subtle movements making the content a bit interesting.

Some of the plugins used are maps, galleries, video, image grids, carousels, masonry, to name a few. The site is also monitored by Google Analytics and Jetpack for statistics and system management. SEO is also applied for digital marketing.

Imaging and video content was created using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Suite.

Tech Stack:

  • Adobe Suite
  • Bootstrap
  • JQuery
  • WordPress