Category: Frontend Development

  • BluHealth Enterprise Healthcare Applications

    BluHealth Enterprise Healthcare Applications

    A cloud-based software-as-a-service for healthcare integrated into an ecosystem of shared health services & applications creating a complete system not only for doctors but also for patients and all the other medical & health services and providers. Developed using Laravel, the UI is made by a custom made Bootstrap theme. The application is fully responsive…

  • UX/UI Design for FASSSTER

    UX/UI Design for FASSSTER

    The design and front-end development of the DOST-Ateneo COVID19 Epidemiology web application, FASSSTER. The web application was created using JQuery as a single page app using the Ajax as its application front end content management. It also using various JavaScript libraries to display all its content from charts, data and data visualizations, lists and tables.…

  • Home/Office IoT App Prototype

    Home/Office IoT App Prototype

    A concept IoT application for monitoring appliances and devices in your home or office. It is envisioned to give insights, analytics and specific values about your appliances. I designed this using Adobe XD. Software Stack: